Saturday, July 3, 2010

Someday When I am Old

Stock Photo - man kissing woman 
on cheek outdoors. 
fotosearch - search 
stock photos, 
pictures, wall 
murals, images, 
and photo clipart
Someday when I am old
I may not be able to worship God
The way I worship Him today
Someday When I am old
I may not be able to jump
While singing praises for Him
Because I might break my knees
Someday when I am old
I may be toothless when I smile
When I received message from up above
Someday when I am old
I may not be able to sing aloud
Because I may get easily exhausted
Someday when I am old
My claps may be out of timing
and I may raise my hands in a funny way


Someday when I am old
I would still be worshiping God
With all of my heart
Someday when I am old
My heart will still leap for joy because
God is the source of it
Someday when I am old
I will still be finding reasons to smile
Because of all the blessings God is giving me especially
His Gift that chose to be with me forever
Someday when I am old
I will still be singing praises for God
Whispering it to Him because I know He is near
And someday when I am old
I will still fall in-love with God each and everyday
and thank Him forever and ever because
He has been faithful to me all my days
…Someday when I am old.


  1. wow..
    I like this:)words used are good:)I can even put my self to it while reading:)so related to what we are doing in the community..

    and with posts like these..

    we can CHANGE THE WORLD!:)
