Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Went Searching For Love But It Is Love That Found Me

Every people needs to be loved
Every being that walks in this planet needs that assurance that he's being love no matter who he is
Even if you stepped and were lost in the furnace of hell, love can bring you up and redeem you to experience heaven once again
Love is the greatest of all, the purest of all
Love is the strongest force in the world
A force that even how much you try to walk away, you cannot separate from the fullness of joy it brings
Love draws you near to itself before you even realize it
Love is the complete surrender of every beautiful thing in this world
There's love in every hope, every faith, every perseverance and every humility
There is love in every you and me
Many people went searching for love but all their efforts were in vain
They thought they have it all figured out but they realized that they just made a mess
Many people went searching for love but they searched in the wrong places
They searched high and low but found a love that never grow
Try to look deep in yourself, try to look inside your heart
You will find that everlasting love that is like a beautiful art
It’s a love that nailed on the cross for all of us
The love that redeemed us
If you will find it deep in our heart you can say
"I went searching for love but it is love that found me”

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