Sunday, July 18, 2010

Selfless Success and Steadfast Significance

One incident made me realize even more that my personal mission of 'Selfless Success and Steadfast Significance' is meant to bless more and more people. I was walking down a busy street one day, hoping to catch a bus with good air-conditioning so I could get to the office fresh and not sweating like Yao Ming as if I just played four NBA games in a row with triple overtime each. 

Not Enough To Give 
As I passed by the stairs of an overpass, I heard a helpless voice from a mother begging for alms as she reached her left hand towards me and her right arm struggling to carry her child with a big, swollen head because of hydrocephalus.

For a few seconds, I was not able to react. I couldn't quite comprehend what I saw. My heart was moved with pity and my eyes started to water. I reached for my wallet and felt even sadder as I thumbed through the receipts and calling cards inside and found that I didn't have money to give them. I took a deep breath as I carefully pulled out an old twenty peso bill out and handed it to the mother. I felt bad knowing that my money would not even be enough for their fare going to the hospital.

Financially Free To Bless Others 
As I got on the bus, I prayed to God, “Lord, please bless me so I too can be a blessing to others.” This experience is one of the reasons why I want to be financially free. Now, God is surprising me every day with opportunities to become financially independent. He made me realize that I should be first grounded on spiritual values so that when He finally opens the flood gates of heaven to bless me, my heart will be ready to be a blessing to people.

When I pray each morning, I pull out a piece of paper with my 'Life Dreams' written on it. I treasure these dreams because I know that these will bless many, many people. Those dreams are fueled by my life’s mission: Selfless Success and Steadfast Significance.

All of these things remind me that each time I pray for financial blessings, He smiles at me and tells me, “Hey Norman, I will bless you also through you. You can use the talents I have given you.” I know that it won't be easy and many people will say negative things about what I do but I don’t care because I believe that it is God who planted these dreams in my heart. And yes, I might fail many times, but I’m determined to fail my way to success. God is reminding me everyday that He will bless me abundantly so I can also be a blessing to others.

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