Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Handle Heartbreaking Pains

Life is uncertain maybe that’s why it has ‘if’ in the middle. You will never know what will happen next. Many times, life gives you a dose of shock instead of a surprise because the things that happened are the exact opposite of the things you want. It can turn you upside-down and beat you up until your heart is left bleeding and bruised all over.

Your pain maybe from a relationship that suddenly ended or a relationship that you dream but never had. It maybe from a betrayal or from an action of someone towards you that you don’t want to remember ever again.Whatever it is, the pain from those circumstances haunts you.

The unbearable ache grips your heart and the unnoticed tears suddenly escape your eyes. Those unguarded moments are the hardest. Those moments like, waiting for the elevator then suddenly the pain and the memory flash in your mind, those mornings that you open your eyes when you wake-up and realize that you will again have to face the reality and the pain is very real. Also, those sleepless nights that your tears is at your pillow and you want to go to sleep but when you close your eyes the face, the events, the circumstance are so vivid. Or, while you’re waiting for the green light while driving, then suddenly the memories once again keep banging at your head.

It seems no escape. It seems intolerable. Instead of the pain gripping your heart, you want to grip it with your own hand, pull-it out and throw it away so you can never feel the pain again. But you have to face the truth that the only way to get out of this misery is to accept it, let-go, and learn from it.

Then you will get through this a better person. You will learn to smile again. You will see the world in different perspective because you are now more mature. You choose to live again life to the fullest that why you are now stronger. You realize that your happiness is not some other people’s hand but it is in you own hands. By the grace of God & by the life you choose you learn that you eventually can get-up from the pain and choose to live and love again.

You look back on the events that happened and realize that it has showed you who your real friends are. That’s why you have to be grateful. You have to thank God for giving you these people who really care about you and will not hurt you because their love for you is genuine and true.

You realize also that you can’t change the past nor control the future so you just raise your hands in total surrender to the will of the loving Father up-above. This time, the word “surrender” mean different to you. God has taught you that the true meaning of that word is actually really giving all you have so He can use it for His glory by doing His wonderful will in your life.

The best thing that you learned from this is you need Jesus Christ in your life because He is the one who knows the true desire of your heart, the desire that you truly need and that’s what He wants to give you so you can experience happiness according to His measure.

So now, you have the courage to move-on. Cry if you must but don’t let it last too long because you should see the promise of God to your future. And when you’re there you’ll understand why all these things happened in your life.


  1. this is true! nice article normz. keep it up! =)

  2. almost cried...yup, i can relate with the flashes...someday, all these heartbreaking pains will make sense...someday, i'll understand

  3. hi badyheng, I hope this article helps. God bless you.
