Friday, August 6, 2010

Know Where You Are Going

Me and a co-missionary just arrived today here in Singapore. From Changi Airport, we ride the MRT going to Taman Merah and from there we are suppose to  transfer to another MRT route to go on our destination. But me and my friend was not too familiar on the place and the route so what happened is when we arrived in Taman Merah Station we did not realized that we should alight the train and transfer to another route on the other side. The moment we realized that we should alight, the doors are already closing so we went back to the station where we came from and it took us another minutes to get back on our route.

I realized that life is like that. Sometimes we are so busy and overwhelm with our daily routines and little did we know that we are starting to get lost in this life.Here are three items that will help us know where we are going in this life.

1. Know and Read The Signs
          When we are travelling, we are guided by the posts and signs on the road. Some people use Global Positioning System (GPS) for a high-tech way of knowing where you are exactly on your journey. In life, we should be sensitive to the signs and posts that we are encountering because it is God's way of telling us either we are lost or we are in the right path where He wants us to be.If you are lost, you probably ignored the signs that keep telling you that you are headed on the wrong direction. The signs in life maybe a friend reminding us to stop the sinful ways we are doing or it maybe through the relationships and people that we are starting to ignore because we are too busy getting in the wrong direction. 

2. Don't Be Afraid To Ask for Directions
             They say that when a woman that is lost while driving in a place she is not familiar with, she will pull-over, stop and ask for direction. Men are the opposite. When a man is lost, he will drive, drive, and drive until he finally figure out the right way which many times the result is being lost more. In life, have the attitude of asking and searching for directions through prayers, discernment, and advice from older people who have undergone the same situation we are in. 

3. God Allows U-Turn
                 This is the best news for all of us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a merciful God and whatever the reason of our being lost in this life, God is there like a good and jolly traffic enforcer who allow us to make U-Turns in this life so we may be closer to Him again. It is very important for us to remember the very important truth that there's noting we can do that can stop God from loving us.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!

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