Sunday, August 8, 2010

How To Know Where Your Heart Is

It was April 29, while at the office I saw my co-worker living near my place and I asked him if I can ride with him going home so that I can save money from commuting. He that said yes and told me that he would just do some errands and will meet me somewhere in Pasig. I said "no problem!" Six-o'clock came, and it was raining. I crossed the street and was supposed to ride the jeepney in front of me but it was already full so I decided to ride the bus. While in the bus, I was seated on the 3rd row from the front when an old lady went up the bus so I generously gave my seat to her. I was standing when more people went up the bus until it was full. 

The bus just got off the terminal just a few seconds while two men boarded the bus. One was carrying a plastic bag with a food inside but I don't know what exactly it is. The two men were restless as they look sharply left and right on the bags of the passengers including mine. I instantly knew that they were robbers because of their action so I placed my cellphone to my bag and embraced it tightly. The next minutes was unbelievable. I put in mind to take care of my bag and my belongings then the two went out the bus a few minutes before my stop and when I got off the bus I brought a smile with me but it was not on my lips but on my bag! The robber slit the pocket on my bag, got my phone and I did not even noticed it. Talk about skills! 

Fast forward to May 29, exactly after one month of losing my cellphone. I went to a get- together party of my elementary classmates and when I got back on our house around 2 am, I entered my room and when I opened the lights, my laptop was not in the table and I saw that there was again a smile but not on my lips but on the screen of my window  it dawned on me that my laptop was stolen!

When things like this happened to us, we always have to reaction. One is we can choose to be bitter and blame the world and God for this kind of misfortune. On the other side, we can react positively. Accept the things that we have no control over with and believe that God has a plan why bad things happens to us. Things like these are opportunity for us to know where our heart is. We can trace where our heart's foundation according to the reaction that we will have. If you going to bitter or strive to be better, it's all up to you.

Here are three areas of our life where we can know where our heart is:

Time- What keeps you busy? What are the things that occupies your day? Assess yourself if the thing that you are spending your time is all worth it. Time is precious and you cannot have it back once you give it and it is a great area for us to be able to check where our heart is.

Talent- Are you good at something? Where do you spend that gift that you have? To bless people or be a curse to them? Do you use your talents to give glory to God, the one who gave that to you? Knowing where we spend our talent on is another great area for us to check if our heart is still in the right place. I hope that we use our talents to make this world a better place.

Treasure- This is the last but definitely not the least of all indicators for us to know where our heart is. If you have a credit card, try to assess each month what things do you usually swipe that shiny plastic card on. Are those things meant to share to other people or is it just for your own wants. Do you splurge on eating out, shopping or buying expensive gadgets but do not give your tithes or offering in the Holy Mass. This is a critical part in the lives of human beings, we must learn to give and be generous by sharing what we have to other people. Like the comparison of the Jordan River, This river is historical and have nourished and gave life to the lives of millions of people for thousands of years. This river is very alive flowing through different countries and sharing the life from one place to another, meanwhile at the end of it you can see the Dead Sea, from the name itself you can see that it produce no life and not bless the living things around it because it do not share the water that it receives. For us, we can decide if we will be a Jordan River or a Dead Sea in terms of sharing our treasures.

"Your heart will be where your treasure is."
Matthew 6:21 

Be blessed and be a blessing!

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