That's why this evening when I was asked what's my order, I joyfully said "one Kway Teow please!". When it was serve I took a moment and try to absorb the feeling I have on that point when my dream food is right in front of me. Call me sentimental or what but I really did take time before I ate. And when I was finally eating Kway Teow, I cannot remember how many times I said "umm, sarap!" (delicious).
With that, a realization came to my mind. Never ever settle for a second best and wait for the perfect time for God to grant what you desire.
As a friend of mine recently told me that "Everything of value takes time". I believe this short yet powerful sentence should be applied in all aspects of our life for us to find great joy. So if you are waiting for something or asking God for a specific blessing it is good for us to wait for His perfect T.I.M.E. while having this attitudes:
T- reasure every moment of the waiting period.
God don't just want to bless us with the things that we are praying for, but he also wants us to be molded on the person He intended us to be. That's why we should treasure every moment while we wait because God wants us to be a better person so that when He finally gave His blessing to us we can be a better steward and bless also other people because we have been blessed by God.
I- mmense yourself in prayer
When we want God's best in our life, it is easy to get distracted along the way while waiting. That is why, it is very vital for us to be keen in the leading of the Holy Spirit through Scriptures, Sacraments and Prayers. The Evil One would like to rob us from the complete joy of knowing and having God's best in our life, that is why we should immense in the Holy Presence of God through these acts.
M-ake an effort to serve others while waiting
While waiting for God's best, we are expecting to be blessed. If that's the case then we should also strive to bless other people be an answer to their prayers because we know deep in our hearts that God is preparing the way to bless us abundantly. We must share that blessing to others.
E-ndure the process
We can learn so many things while waiting for God's best. Sometimes His answer may not be the answer that we want or we expect it to be thats why it is also important to endure the process because after all the heartaches and pains that may come along the way while we are waiting, it will surely be worth the wait when finally God give the answer to us and that answer is far better that we have ever imagine.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
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