As I got up the 3rd floor, our office was still locked so I went down again to the canteen to spend time reading and write articles.
As I type this, I am beside a big window and I can see the beautiful view of this part Singapore. The trees are slightly swaying to the gentle wind and the sunny day here in this beautiful country helps give you a feeling of joy.
As I write this article also, I am listening to Toby Mac’s Lose My Soul song. I am struck by the lyrics of the chorus. It goes like this “I don’t want to gain the whole world and lose my soul…”
Then a realization came to my mind.
With all the innovations and great leaps that man has accomplished in this world, many people cannot find the true happiness in this world.
The other day, I was watching the 25 Most Tragic Death in Hollywood, and I find it really disturbing why people like Kurt Cobain and other famous personalities with all their money and fame still have not found true happiness in this life.
I think the answer is very simple yet complicated.
The answer is you can only find the true happiness with Jesus in your heart. You can have all the money in the world, be the most famous person, and be the most powerful but it will all be an empty success if you don’t have that true joy that only Jesus can give.
This very simple thing is yet so complicated to many people. They find it absurd to put God in their hearts and in everything they do. They view having God in their lives as corny and not a cool thing to do. They value more what other people may tell them. The young people look up to actors, actresses and personalities who also have a disturbed and twisted lifestyle.
I hope if you are reading this, you have Christ in your heart and share His love to other people. This world needs godly people who will stand-up for the truth and will knows that the greatness of character is more important than achievements.
I hope that many people will stop for a while, look at the world around them and find God in the ordinary and in the extra-ordinary, in the everyday routine and in life’s surprises.
May God bless us all.
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